#include "colors.inc" // Standard Color definitions #include "textures.inc" // Standard Texture definitions #include "skies.inc" #include "camera.inc" #if (file_exists("global_settings.inc")) #include "global_settings.inc" #end #declare rock_color = 1.1*<0.75,0.55,0.35>; #declare sand_color = rock_color; #include "geomorph_txtr.inc" #include "maprock1.inc" // Generated rockmap #declare light=<1,0.97,0.94>; #declare sun= sphere {<0,1,0>,100 pigment{rgb 3*light} finish {ambient 1} } global_settings {ambient_light light} #declare rock1 = pigment { wood color_map { rock_map } rotate <0,0,0> turbulence 0.1 } #declare maincamera = camera { location <0, 0, -0.1> // angle gl_angle up y // which way is +up right aspect_ratio*x // which way is +right and aspect ratio look_at <0, 0, 0> // point center of view at this point } #declare desert_plane = plane {y, 0 texture { sand1 // From geomorph_txtr.inc rotate <0,45,0> } } sky_sphere { pigment { gradient y color_map { [0 color rgb <0.8,0.8,1.0>] [0.15 color rgb <0.5,0.6,1.0>] [0.3 color <0.2,0.4,1.0>] [1 color <0.2,0.4,1.0>] } } } // Clouds - sky_sphere is the background plane { y,1000 texture { pigment { granite turbulence 0.5 octaves 6 omega 0.1 lambda 2 color_map { [0.6 rgbt <0,0,0,1>] [1.0 rgb 1] } } translate z*0.1 finish {ambient 1} scale 18000 rotate -25*y } no_shadow hollow } #declare Sun = light_source { 0 // light's position (translated below) color rgb light // light's color looks_like {sun} } #declare hf = height_field { png "test.png" smooth // water_level 0.001 // truncate/clip below N (0.0 ... 1.0) scale < 1.0, 0.3, 1.0 > translate <-.5, 0.0, -.5> } #declare Fog = fog { fog_type 2 distance 10 color rgbt <0.6,0.4,0.2,0.01 > fog_offset 0.3 fog_alt 0.3 turbulence 0.8 } /**********************************************************************************************/ object {hf translate y*-0.0075 texture {pigment {color sand_color } } scale <1,0.7,1> } object {desert_plane rotate y*rot_y scale 0.003 translate <0,0,0> } fog {Fog} light_source {Sun translate <2000,2000,-1000> rotate y*rot_y} camera {maincamera translate <0+tr_x,0.05+tr_y,tr_z> rotate }