Using a Geomorph height field as a normal map

The scene crack_bumptest.pov designed when developping the crack network tool can be used with other kind of height field with interesting results. Here are two examples.

This wavy height field was created this way:
  1. Create a "uniform" gray map (the default when you start Geomorph).
  2. Use the "waves" tool :
    1. In tab 1 (with an up / down wave as default), set the amplitude to 10 or the like, and the period to 6.
    2. In tab 2 (with a north / south wave as default), set the amplitude to 55 or the like, the period to 9 and rotate by 90°.
  3. Use the default camera 3, rotate it by 135° in the preview.
  4. Render with crack_bumptest.pov.

This height map was created this way:
  1. Choose a "progressive sum of surfaces"  height field.
  2. In the creation dialog and in the "Primitive surface" -> "Shape filter" subdialog, choose the "no filter" building block .
  3. Continuing in the creation dialog, roll down the "Wave length control" subdialog, initialize all the wave lengths to 0 (there is a button for this) and set the 64 wave length to 50-60.
  4. Render with crack_bumptest.pov.
In the creation dialog, you can also try different XY displacement levels.


Written in December 2006

Contact:    Patrice St-Gelais Logo